Víla Fialka
Martina Rašková, Modrý slon Publishing, s. r. o., 2014 coloured illustrations
Plantas Medicinales Saharaui Gabriele Volpato, Africa 70, Italy, 2008 pen drawings of medicinal plants (Western Sahara)

O duhových vílách a kometě NE
Marie Adamovská, Rotag Publishing, Praha, 2014 coloured illustrations
Gabriele Volpato and Davide Rossi, Smashwords Edition, 2014 photographs and drawn maps

- Institute of Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences
- Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
- Botanicus, spol. s r.o.
- Linea Nivnice, a. s.
- Mediate, s. r. o.
- Serafin Byliny s. r. o.

- Bylinné kapky s. r. o.
- Diochi spol. s r. o.
- Rotag Publishing
- Modrý slon Publishing
- Astur & Qanto s. r. o. and others...
- Africa '70 o.n.g.
